It is crazy I was sitting in class my last semester of college September 2009 and I decided to create a fashion blog. When I started my blog I wanted it to be an open diary documenting my opinion and views with the latest fashion. My blog was the only thing I had that kept my sanity when I moved away for a few months for my internship. I really didn't care how many page views I had or if I made Blogger friends. What mattered the most to me was my blog was my baby I didn't know what I was doing with her (my blog) but I knew she could grow into something and she was helping me grow in many ways. In November 2010, I decided to get a little fancy and get a domain and collaborate with graphic design students to create a logo and attempt to brand myself. In that process I found a hobby for photography. Now fast forwarding to 2013 I realized that I wanted to take my blog into a different direction but I didn't know how so I got a little lazy. Now 2014 I battled with myself just letting my blog go but I won't. I had a vision and purpose when I started I just have to remember why I started. In 2014 I seek to find new dreams, new ways, and a new me!
Happy New Year