
BP Oil Spill disaster in Italian Vogue

Italian Vogue August Issue featured a 24 Paged Fashion Spread which features Eco-Art Jewelry. The message is artistically delivered in this spread. All the jewelry was part of the eco-art by Kathleen Nowak Tucci.

The Oil Spill was an awakening for me since i live in Florida and the closets beaches to me are on the Gulf Coast.


Case of the Mondays: Fortune Cookie

A simple kindness today will bring you great reward.


Eye Catching M.I.A

Im a month late but....M.I.A in GQ shoot. I LOOOOOOVE this photoshoot of her. I think its the lipstick but it is so eye catching. Do you agree?


"whatever makes cents..."

My little Girls Night Out Fund and Mall Money jars from TJ Maxx.... I couldnt choose only one. Honestly the Mall Money jar has the most money! But with out Mall Money there will be no clothes to wear on a Girls Night Out.... Well hey "whatever make cents"!

P.S. Just got a new Nikon D3000 camera which im now using! so excited :)


Ohh Cassie :)

Cassie in BUST magazine
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